IOETI Membership Benefits
Corporates Membership Benefits:
- A reduction in courses fees and consulting fees for all programs.
- Customize training courses on your ongoing work.
- Opportunity to post job listings for your organization to find fitted talented calibers in the Member Section.
- Special reduction in conferences and events tickets fees.
- Opportunities to Live and on-demand webinars presented by professional experts.
- Opportunities for networking groups in different industries.
- Quarterly newsletter sent to all members, full of recent & beneficial articles, resources and more.
Individuals Membership Benefits:
- Monthly Surprise Reward for member of the month (One free online interactive course attendance for the most active member…etc.)
- A reduction in course fees for all programs.
- Priority registration for all programs and priority placement on wait lists, including in-class/online programs.
- Opportunity to post your CV in corporates section to find the right opportunity out of many opportunities
- Opportunity to be one of our certified volunteer mentors.